Just Write

Ant's Spot
2 min readMar 25, 2022

This is one of those stories I have to write in order to work out my anxiety and restlessness. I suffer from anxiety/depression just like any average person, but I can definitely vouch for journaling and even blogging to improve your mental state. I know that if I don’t stay busy the intrusive thoughts get to me, so it is important keep yourself occupied with activities that stimulate and educate. The intrusive thoughts that come with anxiety are especially difficult to ignore, as I have written on previously, and keeping busy is a sure-fire way to keep them out of your head. Writing works for me, but I know everyone is different and you must discover what works for you.

I want to rebrand this medium to be more about other things… I just don’t quite know what direction I want to bring it in yet. I love music, I love LGBT stuff, and I love fashion; there is a lot to work with in my brainstorming process. Getting ideas out like this is good for mental stimulation, at least for myself. Leaving all your ideas in your head makes no sense; you must write out what you’re thinking in order to manifest it into existence.

I am manifesting an amazing day off from work tomorrow, more ideas for the medium, a great workout, and inner peace. A good sense of calm is something I am looking for. Remaining calm and centered allows you to focus on what drives you to live your best life. Being angry and impatient all the time only causes more problems for your day and you end up focusing too much on the negative.

Let’s write out our ideas and feelings together & keep on moving!!!!!




Ant's Spot

No Tea, No Shade, Just Fun🌻 Follow for informative stories straight from my gay brain🏳️‍🌈 New Stories always being posted for y’all❤️ Diary of a Gen-Z Gay🌈