Lonely Boy Hours

Ant's Spot
2 min readOct 16, 2022

I know the title makes this story out to be a very depressing anecdote, but trust and believe that this story is coming from a very positive place.

I titled this “Lonely Boy Hours” simply because this is the first time in my life that I am feeling at peace being alone the majority of the time. I have a very cozy bedroom, so setting the vibes is quite easy to accomplish. Setting my calm, chill, serene vibes while I am alone is important. Call me particular, but I really do prefer my alone vibes a certain way.

My “alone in my room vibes” includes music, blogging, journaling, and weed. These elements altogether makes magic in my room while I am enjoying time alone. Circumstances in my life have caused this sudden alone time, but I am at peace and only maturing more during this alone period. I am learning so much about myself during this time alone, and I am becoming even more grateful for the blessings in my life.

Being grateful for your blessings is important because it brings good energy to you from the Universe, and it shows good on your personal character. Acting grateful, humble, and with integrity goes a long way in my books. The Universe aids people who are grateful and patient, while others use their time to complain and lose site of their blessings.

All in all, this “lonely boy” style of spending time alone seems really chic and fun in my mind, so we are going to spend more time alone.

Manifest positive vibes for all always; Breath Deep ’Cause Your Blessings Are There For You🌻



Ant's Spot

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